Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm Such a Geek

No, really. I am.

I e-mailed the Yarn Harlot to let her know that I saw "her" episode of Knitty Gritty is going to air again (June 29, 2pm ET DIY for those who want to know)...


Now, I know this shouldn't be that big of a shock. I mean, if I hadn't believed she was going to read it, then why did I send it in the first place? And yet...for some reason...It completely blew me away that she e-mailed me back. LOLOL

I'm such a geek. Or is that geeque?

Lynda the Guppy
aka The Fish With Sticks

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Did You Do It In Public?

I'm talking Knitting, you gutterbrains. *grin*

Saturday was Worldwide Knit In Public day, and, sadly, I did not knit a single stitch in public. I DID, however go to the Yarn Lady's semi-annual bag sale.

As you can tell, there was a lot of yarn. And it feels like most of it came home with me. *snerk*

More on the Stash Enhancement once I haul it up from the garage.

Lynda the Guppy
aka The Fish With Sticks

Friday, June 01, 2007

Look! A Finished Object!

...And, once again, something for my mom. LOL To be fair, I bought this yarn way back in September (I think) and I promised her a scarf with it. As soon as I saw this yarn, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do with it. And it took less yarn than I thought.

(Click to see the full image)

Mom's Diagonal Scarf

Yarn: Less than 2 balls of...ummm...I'm going to have to edit that later. Not sure.
Pattern: Karen Baumer's Multi-directional Diagonal Scarf.
Needle: Ummm....Again, I'll have to get back to you.

Next up...An Arizona Yarn Crawl.

Lynda the Guppy
aka The Fish With Sticks